International Ceplas-IPK Summer School 2024
Translational Plant Biodiversity Research
September 22–26, 2024
Plant research is strategically important to enable scientific, social, and political transformation of agricultural production. To adapt crops to future demands, such as climate change and limited resources, it is crucial to understand the functional impact of biodiversity on trait performance and adaptation. Biodiversity is defined by genetic and epigenetic variation in genomes. The Cluster of Excellence in Plant Sciences (CEPLAS) and the IPK (Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research) are two European centers for plant research that collaborate to enhance translational biodiversity research. Their research activities encompass fundamental discoveries of biological phenomena as well as application-oriented innovations. To support these efforts, CEPLAS and IPK have recently established the Center for Translational Plant Biodiversity Research (TRANSCEND). TRANSCEND aims to improve the perception of plant research in politics and society by integrating further expertise and know-how in Europe and beyond. TRANSCEND is the foundation of an extensive coalition for innovative plant sciences. Its primary objective is to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient agri-food sector, which is a crucial component of a sustainable society. This will be accomplished by identifying opportunities for teaching, collaboration, networking, and sharing knowledge and skills to strengthen plant science as a whole. The joint Summer School aims to promote networking and support the next generation of researchers.
The CEPLAS-IPK Summer School is open for PhD students and early postdocs. Participants will learn about the latest developments in translational plant biodiversity research and the exciting research of CEPLAS and IPK. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to explore science-related topics in challenging workshops. You will have the chance to present your findings to a wide scientific audience and expand your professional network by engaging with young scientists and internationally recognized plant sciences researchers
Additionally, the University of Cologne’s “Food Security competence area” is going to provide an interactive workshop on global food security, featuring discussions on current challenges in achieving and maintaining global food security.
International Ceplas-IPK Summer School:
September 22–26, 2024
(in person only)
Start for online registration is
March 20, 2024
Registration is closed!
Application deadline
Deadline is May 12, 2024
Notification of participation, acceptance regarding talk/poster and travel grant
May 31, 2024
Find the outline of planned sessions here.
Registration and fees
Find all registration information here.