The program will start on Sunday, September 22nd, with an introduction, a tour through the monastery and a keynote lecture. After finishing the programme at Kloster Drübeck on Thursday mid day, there will be a bus transfer to the IPK. The programme will end on Thursday evening at 6pm, September 26th after a tour through the facilities of IPK, including the automated phenotyping platform.
A visit to the IPK in Gatersleben is planned for Thursday. Regarding the IPK visit on Thursday, please find out in advance about your train connections from there. We recommend staying one more night in Quedlinburg and then leaving the next morning. Recommendations for hotels can be found here. Please note that you will have to pay for your stay in Quedlinburg by yourself.
Workshop topics
During registration you will have to choose two out of three available workshops. You can choose between the following topics:
Publishing Workshop
“Behind the scenes of the publishing process”
Trainer: Mary Williams (University of Glasgow)
Short description of content:
Much of the work of a scientist is communicated by their peer-review publications, which are also often the main criteria used by granting agencies and universities to measure scientific “success”. To a newcomer, the scholarly publishing process can be confusing and intimidating. In this workshop, you’ll learn some tips to help you navigate the process, from writing your manuscript beautifully to deciding where to submit your research article, what to say in the cover letter, and how to respond to peer review.
Science communication Workshop
“Science communication”
Trainer: Svenja Augustin (CEPLAS) and Robert Hoffie (IPK)
Short description of content:
Scientists are becoming increasingly aware of science communication and its importance is growing. But do all scientists need to communicate with the general public? In this workshop we want to discuss what scicomm is, where it starts, what formats are possible and if and how every scientist can become active in this field.
Networking Workshop
“Successful Networking for Personal Branding”
Trainer: Dr. Claudia Benassi (inFraRot e.K. Transformation Design)
Short description of content:
Elevate your career goals with the power of effective networking. Join our workshop to explore with others essential strategies for building meaningful connections in your field and beyond.
Workshop on Food and Nutrition Security
The ‘Interactive workshop on Food and Nutrition Security’ will be available to every participant. The focus will be on the importance of biodiversity to achieve and safeguard food security. After a brief introduction, various questions will be worked out in subgroups. Thereafter outcomes will be brought together and presented. A scientific presentation on the topic rounds off the workshop.